© Fraunhofer IAO | Ludmilla Parsyak
Diskussion im Rahmen des QuantumBW Colloquiums

Exchange format

QuantumBW Colloquium

Exchange format

QuantumBW Colloquium

The QuantumBW Collo­quium on the campus of the Fraunhofer Insti­tute Center Stuttgart aims to promote scien­tific exchange on hardware and algorith­mic topics in the field of quantum comput­ing. National and inter­na­tional researchers present the latest devel­op­ments in this research area, promot­ing the idea of co-development of quantum solutions.

A regis­tra­tion for the collo­quium is not neces­sary. The language of the event is English.


In 2025, the QuantumBW Collo­quium takes place on the follow­ing dates:

  • March 20, Dr. Lukas Burgholzer (Technis­che Univer­sität München) 
    Design Automa­tion Tools and Software for Quantum Comput­ing


  • April 10, Prof. Marko Rancic (Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg)
    Quantum Comput­ing in Physics, Chemistry and Optimization 

Event location (hybrid):
IAT Univer­sität Stuttgart
Allman­dring 35, Room 0.201
70569 Stuttgart


Event time:

Das QuantumBW Colloquium findet IAT Gebäude Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft und Technologiemanagement der Universität Stuttgart statt
© Fraunhofer IAO

Target group and funding

The QuantumBW Collo­quium addresses compa­nies and research insti­tu­tions in the acade­mic and non-academic sector that are inter­ested in the poten­tial of quantum computing.

The Collo­quium is funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg and the Ministry of Econom­ics, Labor and Tourism Baden-Württemberg.

Past Talks
  • April 18, Prof. Tilman Pfau (Univer­sity of Stuttgart)
    Quantum comput­ing with trapped neutral atoms — made in Stuttgart

  • May 2, Dr. Michele Grossi (CERN)
    Varia­tional quantum algorithms: train­ing and expres­siv­ity consid­er­a­tions from CERN

  • June 27, Dr. Christa Zoufal (IBM Quantum)
    The poten­tials and bottle­necks of state-of-the-art quantum machine learn­ing algorithms

  • July 12, Prof. Zoë Holmes (EPFL)
    Does provable absence of barren plateaus imply classi­cal simula­bil­ity?

  • July 25, Prof. Jens Eisert (FU Berlin)
    Do quantum comput­ers have appli­ca­tions in optimiza­tion and machine learning?

  • Septem­ber 12, Dr. Chris­t­ian Marciniak (Univer­sity of Innsbruck)
    Quantum infor­ma­tion process­ing with trapped ions – state of the art, perspec­tives, and recent appli­ca­tions

  • Septem­ber 26, Dr. Werner Dobrautz (Chalmers Univer­sity of Technol­ogy Gothen­burg)
    Quantum Chemistry

  • October 17, Prof. Dr. Joris van Slageren (Univer­sity of Stuttgart)
    Molecules for quantum technolo­gies

  • Novem­ber 7, Prof. Markus Müller (RWTH Aachen/FZ Jülich)
    The dawn of quantum fault-tolerance

  • Novem­ber 21, Prof. Ioan Pop (KIT/University of Stuttgart)
    Mesoscopic physics challenges (in) super­con­duct­ing quantum devices

  • Decem­ber 5, Prof. Dr. Barbara Kraus (Techni­cal Univer­sity of Munich)
    Is your quantum computer working?

  • Decem­ber 19, Prof. Dr. Enrique Solano (Kipu Quantum)
    Useful quantum comput­ing in the NISQ Era

Further infor­ma­tion