© Ludmilla Parsyak | Fraunhofer IAO
Winfried Kretschmann mit den Sprechern von QuantumBW am Stand der Landesinitiative

Team of QuantumBW

Spokesper­sons and office

The Team of QuantumBW

Spokesper­sons and office

Two spokesper­sons repre­sent QuantumBW. They provide the innova­tion initia­tive with their research and business exper­tise in order to strengthen the trans­fer of quantum technolo­gies into appli­ca­tion in Baden-Württemberg.

The QuantumBW office coordi­nates the activ­i­ties of the innova­tion initia­tive and is the central point of contact. It is managed by the IQST of the Univer­sity of Stuttgart and the Univer­sity of Ulm together with the insti­tutes Fraunhofer IAF and Fraunhofer IAO. It is jointly funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism.

QuantumBW Spokespersons

“Based on an already inter­na­tion­ally unique research landscape in quantum sciences in Baden-Württemberg, we want to take the final leap into the technol­ogy of the future with QuantumBW.”

Prof. Dr. Joachim Anker­hold
Direc­tor of the Insti­tute for Complex Quantum Systems, Ulm University


Prof. Dr. Joachim Ankerhold, Direktor des Instituts für Komplexe Quantensysteme, Universität Ulm
© Univer­sität Ulm

“Quantum technolo­gies have great disrup­tive poten­tial. Quantum sensors will allow us to measure signals many times smaller than with conven­tional sensors. This could lead to completely new appli­ca­tions, for example in medical technol­ogy.”

Dr. Volkmar Denner

Scien­tific Advisor Quantum Technologies


Dr. Volkmar Denner, Wissenschaftlicher Berater Quantentechnologie der Bosch-Gruppe
© Bosch

QuantumBW Office

Dr. Alexan­der Heinrich

Head of the QuantumBW Office


© Univer­sität Konstanz

Lukas Kübler

Head of Market­ing and Commu­ni­ca­tions, Fraunhofer IAF


Lukas Kübler, Fraunhofer IAF
© Fraunhofer IAF

Dr. Sonja Lebus-Henn

Program Manager, Ulm University 


Dr. Sonja Lebus-Henn
© Univer­sität Ulm

Chiara Stephan

Commu­ni­ca­tions and Knowl­edge Trans­fer, Fraunhofer IAO


Chiara Stephan, Kommunikation und Wissenstransfer, Fraunhofer IAO
© Fraunhofer IAO

Ekate­rina Vorobeva

Science Manager QSens, Univer­sity of Stuttgart


Ekaterina Vorobeva, Wissenschaftsmanagerin QSens
© QSens

Further infor­ma­tion