THE LÄND of quantum technology
About QuantumBW
THE LÄND of quantum technology
About QuantumBW
The QuantumBW innovation initiative brings together fundamental and applied research with industrial development and application. It is open to all players in the field of quantum technologies in Baden-Württemberg and promotes exchange in order to jointly build a powerful quantum technology ecosystem.
Fields of action and structure
QuantumBW forms an umbrella brand for the many activities in quantum technologies in Baden-Württemberg. Get to know the goals, topics and structures of the innovation initiative.
Ministries: Science and Economy
Executive Board | Advisory Board | Office
The Quantum Technology Alliance Baden-Württemberg, QuantumBW for short, is an innovation initiative to promote quantum technology in the state and is jointly funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministries of Science, Research and the Arts and of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism. The Advisory Board consists of representatives from the quantum technology sector and advises the innitative in its actions and the two spokespersons, who represent science and industry. The spokespersons set the framework within which QuantumBW advances the state’s research and development work. The QuantumBW office coordinates these activities of the innovation initiative and is the central point of contact for stakeholders and interested parties. It is managed by the IQST of the University of Stuttgart and the University of Ulm together with the institutes Fraunhofer IAF and Fraunhofer IAO.
QuantumBW forms a quantum technology ecosystem that consists of strong cross-institutional and interdisciplinary networks and strengthens the international competitiveness of the location. The focus is on bringing together expertise, scientific discourse across disciplines and the broadest possible use of complex infrastructures within the state. To this end, targeted event, network and exchange formats are offered and developed, and location marketing is being carried out.
QuantumBW acts as a platform for the coordinated development, promotion and training of quantum technology specialists for science and industry and develops concepts for the sustainable promotion of talent by interlinking excellent university teaching and business practice. In particular, the creation of uniform nationwide standards for university education at Bachelor’s and Master’s level as well as in the area of doctorates offers the opportunity to train highly qualified quantum specialists as a resource for the local economy in the long term. In addition, application-oriented training programs provide unique opportunities for further training. The integration and, if necessary, targeted expansion of existing support formats and incubators is to promote science-driven spin-off activities and inspire young talent to implement innovative ideas in entrepreneurial independence.
QuantumBW will make the complex and capital-intensive infrastructures, such as clean and grey room capacities or specialized research laboratories, available to its partners for a more efficient use of the resources available in the state. These infrastructures are furthermore to be expanded according to the requirements of the QuantumBW rodmap. One focus here is on the infrastructure for quantum enabling technologies, which currently represent a major bottleneck for the large-scale industrial use of quantum systems.
Baden-Württemberg is leading in the development of quantum computing software and the use of quantum computers in today’s NISQ era (“noisy intermidate scale systems”—medium-sized systems that are prone to hardware-related errors). In addition, research institutions and companies are pursuing various approaches in the development of quantum computing hardware, primarily based on nitrogen vacancies (NV centers) in diamond. In a ten-year roadmap, QuantumBW supports pre-competitive research and the transfer of knowledge on quantum computing with a focus on applications of relevant and confirmed use cases and algorithms. To this end, the creation of technological foundations with access to quantum computing hardware for network partners is being pursued.
Baden-Württemberg is world-class in the development of quantum sensors with technology platforms that have a high technology readiness level and are close to be introduced to the market. In order to promote this transfer, pre-competitive research and the transfer of knowledge in the field of quantum sensor technology are being promoted in QuantumBW with a focus on future key applications. The necessary integration technologies for quantum sensor technology (enabling technologies) are specifically supported for the industrialization of the research results. These goals are set out in a ten-year roadmap.
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