Navigating the quantum landscape
QuantumBW Atlas
Navigating the quantum landscape
QuantumBW Atlas
“Who is doing what in Baden-Württemberg on the subject of quantum?” “What topics are driving research and development?” — These are the questions that the QuantumBW Atlas answers. The Atlas is a digital knowledge product of the QuantumBW innovation initiative. It facilitates navigation through the quantum landscape and entry into selected research and development topics in THE LÄND.
The atlas provides professional orientation on players in companies and academia, on quantum topics and quantum hardware, on quantum courses and trainings within Baden-Württemberg.
The QuantumBW Atlas is currently being developed and will soon be available on this page.
Presentation of knowledge
The content of the QuantumBW Atlas is presented in profile formats that are created and maintained by an editorial team in collaboration with partners and experts from the initiative. The profiles can be accessed by users via an intuitive geographical and topic-based navigation system in addition to the traditional menu and open field search. The atlas data is hosted on a German server in compliance with GDPR.

Discover the QuantumBW Atlas
Partners of QuantumBW, and those who want to become partners, are invited to introduce themselves on the pages of the atlas. Suggestions for topics to be included in the atlas are also welcome.
The QuantumBW innovation initiative brings together basic and applied research with industrial development and application.
It is open to all players in the field of quantum technologies in Baden-Württemberg and promotes exchange in order to jointly develop a powerful quantum technology ecosystem.
You want to join the QuantumBW network with your company or institution?
The QuantumBW Office is looking forward to your request!

Further information