Successful start of the quantum roadshow
February 25, 2025 – Roadshow for the International Year of Quantum Technologies
Successful start of the quantum roadshow in Baden-Württemberg
In the International Year of Quantum Technologies, QuantumBW, together with its partners Photonics BW and the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), invites to the Quantum Roadshow on four dates. The successful kick-off took place in Aalen on February 25. The focus of the event was on the current state of technology in the three subject areas of quantum computing, quantum sensors and quantum communication. At the digiZ location Aalen of the IHK Ostwürttemberg, quantum technology manufacturers from the QuantumBW network and potential end users from the region came together for a fruitful exchange.
In the subsequent interactive exchange formats, there were lively discussions on the topics of quantum computing, sensing and communication. The central topic was how these technologies can be utilized and thus brought into application. In addition, visitors were able to experience quantum technologies first hand through various demonstrators.

The event in Aalen marked the start of the quantum roadshow, which QuantumBW is organizing together with its partners Photonics BW and the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) to mark the International Year of Quantum Technologies 2025. The roadshow will be visiting three more locations this year:
- Stuttgart—July 21, 2025
- Ulm—October 9, 2025
- Freiburg start of November

Further information