Auftakt der Quanten-Roadshow von QuantumBW in Aalen

Success­ful start of the quantum roadshow

Febru­ary 25, 2025 – Roadshow for the Inter­na­tional Year of Quantum Technologies

Success­ful start of the quantum roadshow in Baden-Württemberg

In the Inter­na­tional Year of Quantum Technolo­gies, QuantumBW, together with its partners Photon­ics BW and the German Chamber of Indus­try and Commerce (IHK), invites to the Quantum Roadshow on four dates. The success­ful kick-off took place in Aalen on Febru­ary 25. The focus of the event was on the current state of technol­ogy in the three subject areas of quantum comput­ing, quantum sensors and quantum commu­ni­ca­tion. At the digiZ location Aalen of the IHK Ostwürt­tem­berg, quantum technol­ogy manufac­tur­ers from the QuantumBW network and poten­tial end users from the region came together for a fruit­ful exchange.

On Febru­ary 25, more than 60 quantum experts, inter­ested parties and enthu­si­asts from THE LÄND gathered at the digiZ location in Aalen for the first stop of the quantum roadshow. After an opening on the status quo of the promis­ing quantum technolo­gies, the individ­ual views of regional compa­nies on the technolo­gies were presented in insight­ful pitches. Current projects and perspec­tives were discussed and the state of the art in Baden-Württemberg was highlighted, which, as it turns out, is at the forefront worldwide!

In the subse­quent inter­ac­tive exchange formats, there were lively discus­sions on the topics of quantum comput­ing, sensing and commu­ni­ca­tion. The central topic was how these technolo­gies can be utilized and thus brought into appli­ca­tion. In addition, visitors were able to experi­ence quantum technolo­gies first hand through various demon­stra­tors.

Dr. David Heisenberg an der Quanten-Roadshow
Dr. David Heisen­berg, grand­son of the Nobel Prize winner Dr. Werner Heisen­berg and member of Photon­ics BW, appeared as an ambas­sador for quantum technolo­gies. © corner.designstudio

The event in Aalen marked the start of the quantum roadshow, which QuantumBW is organiz­ing together with its partners Photon­ics BW and the German Chamber of Commerce and Indus­try (IHK) to mark the Inter­na­tional Year of Quantum Technolo­gies 2025. The roadshow will be visit­ing three more locations this year:


    • Stuttgart—July 21, 2025
    • Ulm—October 9, 2025
    • Freiburg start of November

Opening der Quanten-Roadshow
Where do quantum technolo­gies really stand? This key question was used to pitch the three topics of quantum comput­ing, sensing and commu­ni­ca­tion. © corner.designstudio
In addition to the enormous innova­tion poten­tial that the players in Baden-Württemberg have in the field of quantum technolo­gies, it became clear at the kick-off that platforms like the roadshow are needed to bring together devel­op­ers and poten­tial end users—this is the only way to jointly lever­age the poten­tial of quantum technol­ogy in THE LÄND.