Cross-Clustering: Quantum Technolo­gies meet Automotive

Bridg­ing the gap between quantum technolo­gies and appli­ca­tions for the automo­tive sector — that was the aim of the cross-clustering event on Novem­ber 23, 2023 at the BRYCKE in Stuttgart.

The Networks Photon­ics BW, Elektro­mo­bil­ität Süd-West, Brennstof­fzelle BW and Intel­li­gent Move organized the cross-clustering event Quantum Technolo­gies meet Automo­tive with the support of the Regio­Clus­ter­A­gen­tur for innova­tion and trans­for­ma­tion in Baden-Württemberg in order to identify cross-industry and cross-technology syner­gies and highlight the appli­ca­tion poten­tial of quantum technologies.

Silvia Anna Palka, Regio­Clus­ter­A­gen­tur, welcomed the partic­i­pants to the event. In her welcome address, she empha­sized: “Cross-cluster projects accel­er­ate innova­tion. In line with the BRYCKE motto, ‘let’s make ideas happen’, I wish you all fruit­ful discus­sions”. A total of over 60 discus­sions were held in five rounds. Tobias Dürr, Economic Devel­op­ment Agency of the City of Stuttgart, provided the creative pop-up space BRYCKE as an inspir­ing venue.

Dr. Andreas Ehrhardt, Manag­ing Direc­tor of Photon­ics BW, then presented the innova­tion network for optical technolo­gies and quantum technolo­gies in Baden-Württemberg as well as QuantumBW as a new state initia­tive to promote quantum technologies.

Felic­i­tas Behr, Network Manager of the Cluster Elektro­mo­bil­ität Süd-West, presented the individ­ual networks and areas of respon­si­bil­ity of the state agency e‑mobil BW GmbH. The Cluster Elektro­mo­bil­ität Süd-West offers over 200 players from indus­try and research a neutral platform for sharing experi­ences and devel­op­ing new technolo­gies and sustain­able concepts. Key topics include new devel­op­ments in the battery value chain. In addition to the extrac­tion of raw materi­als and the produc­tion of cells, packs and modules, this also includes the battery manage­ment system as well as second-life appli­ca­tions and recycling. The expan­sion of hydro­gen and fuel cell technol­ogy in Baden-Württemberg is being driven forward by the cluster Brennstof­fzelle BW. The Intel­li­gent Move network is dedicated to the topics of digital mobil­ity, in partic­u­lar digital infra­struc­ture, digital vehicles and digital services.

Three special­ist presen­ta­tions then highlighted best practices and poten­tial appli­ca­tions of quantum technolo­gies for the automo­tive indus­try. The session was moder­ated by Andre Salzinger, Project Manager Quantum Technolo­gies at Photon­ics BW. Dr. Florian Kienle, Head of Atomic Gyroscope, and Dr. Robert Rölver, Head of Magnetic Sensing at Q.ANT GmbH, presented two differ­ent quantum sensors for naviga­tion appli­ca­tions. Atomic gyroscopes can be used to measure the small­est accel­er­a­tions and rotations. In addition, diamond-based magne­tome­ters enable spatial orien­ta­tion using finely resolved magnetic field gradi­ents. Dr. Mumma­nen Bharad­waj Chowdary, researcher at Fraunhofer IAO, dedicated his presen­ta­tion to routing and charg­ing plan optimiza­tion for electro­mo­bil­ity. Here, digital and analog quantum comput­ers offer the possi­bil­ity of solving complex logis­tics problems very efficiently. Dr. Chris­t­ian Osterkamp, Manag­ing Direc­tor and co-founder of Diatope GmbH, provided further insights into quantum sensor technol­ogy for improved battery manage­ment thanks to precise current measurement.

The presen­ta­tions were followed by various match­mak­ing rounds, initially in larger groups and then in targeted 1:1 meetings. This gave the partic­i­pants the oppor­tu­nity to find common start­ing points for cooperation.

After the match­mak­ing session, Tobias Rösch presented the federal government’s Research and Innova­tion funding advisory service and current funding programs and gave valuable tips on how to apply.

The partic­i­pants then had another oppor­tu­nity for personal network­ing and to deepen their contacts at a cozy get-together.

Follow­ing the success­ful launch of the cross-clustering event Quantum Technolo­gies meet Automo­tive, further events with new fields of appli­ca­tion are planned.

The cross-cluster event was also supported by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism.

Picture: © Photon­ics BW

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