© AITAD GmbH | Dietzefotografie
Lebensdauertest bei der AITAD GmbH

New member in the QuantumBW network: AITAD GmbH

12/10/2024 – The QuantumBW ecosys­tem is growing

New member in the QuantumBW network: AITAD GmbH

QuantumBW welcomes the Offenburg-based embed­ded AI company AITAD GmbH to its network. The young technol­ogy company with around 30 employ­ees focuses on the devel­op­ment and testing of AI electron­ics systems, partic­u­larly in combi­na­tion with machine learn­ing in the automo­tive and indus­trial context.
QuantumBW is delighted to welcome its new member AITAD GmbH to the QuantumBW network. As an embed­ded AI provider, AITAD brings impor­tant exper­tise to the quantum technol­ogy ecosys­tem of Baden-Württemberg. Local embed­ded AI sensors, which can process very large amounts of data very quickly on site, can contribute to the realiza­tion and scaling of quantum computing.

In addition, the proxim­ity to the appli­ca­tion enables special oppor­tu­ni­ties for the valida­tion of QuantumBW partner technolo­gies for quantum sensing and quantum AI, which are an impor­tant build­ing block for devel­op­ing even more efficient and high-performance system compo­nents and ultimately bring­ing the technolo­gies into application.

“The overar­ch­ing commit­ment to the selected network with targeted and funded projects will certainly have a lasting impact on the local economic strength in a dozen years’ time. We are grate­ful and delighted to have been accepted into the QuantumBW network and see this as a strate­gi­cally impor­tant social commit­ment,” explains Viach­eslav Gromov, founder and manag­ing partner of AITAD GmbH.

QuantumBW is a modern and coura­geous project of the research insti­tu­tions and compa­nies in Baden-Württemberg, which does justice to the decen­tral­ized economic and compe­tence struc­ture of the state.”
Viach­eslav Gromov
Founder and Manag­ing Partner
Viacheslav Gromov, Gründer und geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der AITAD GmbH
© AITAD GmbH | Dietzefotografie


AITAD is a German embed­ded AI provider with around 30 employ­ees, its own produc­tion facil­ity and test hall. The company focuses on the devel­op­ment, testing and series produc­tion of AI electron­ics systems, partic­u­larly in connec­tion with machine learn­ing in an indus­trial context (especially system compo­nents). As a devel­op­ment partner, AITAD takes over the entire process from data collec­tion to devel­op­ment and deliv­ery of the system compo­nents. This allows innov­a­tive adapta­tions to be made to the product without the need for exper­tise and only a few resources on the part of the customer. The focus is on future-oriented, disrup­tive, innov­a­tive adapta­tions with the great­est possi­ble impact on struc­tures and product strategies.

AITAD acts as an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary full-stack provider in the fields of data science, mechan­i­cal engineer­ing and embed­ded hardware and software. AITAD also conducts inter­nal and exter­nal research into numer­ous algorith­mic and semicon­duc­tor funda­men­tals of AI technol­ogy. In 2023, AITAD received the “embed­ded award” against “AWS” and “AMD” in the AI category, the Top100 Innova­tion Award for medium-sized compa­nies and was named AI Champion Baden-Württemberg.

Mitarbeitender der AITAD GmbH bei der Entwicklungsarbeit
AITAD GmbH employee during devel­op­ment work. | © AITAD GmbH, Dietzefotografie
Lebensdauertest bei der AITAD GmbH
Service life test at AITAD GmbH | © AITAD GmbH, Dietzefotografie
Beispiel für einen Sensor der AITAD GmbH
Example of a sensor from AITAD GmbH | © AITAD GmbH, Dietzefotografie