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New addition to the QuantumBW network: Karlsruhe Univer­sity of Applied Sciences

March 12, 2025 – QuantumBW ecosys­tem welcomes Karlsruhe Univer­sity of Applied Sciences

New addition to the QuantumBW network: Karlsruhe Univer­sity of Applied Sciences

With the Karlsruhe Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, one of the largest and most research-intensive univer­si­ties of applied sciences in Baden-Württemberg is joining the QuantumBW-Network. We are delighted to have gained a strong and experi­enced partner in the crucial factor of promot­ing young talent for the quantum location and to lay the founda­tion for quantum exper­tise in THE LÄND (state of Baden-Württemberg) together. 

Quantum technolo­gies will, once they are opera­tional, funda­men­tally change many areas of our lives, proba­bly even more so than AI: quantum comput­ing offers previ­ously unimag­in­able comput­ing power, quantum commu­ni­ca­tion allows for completely secure message exchange, and quantum sensors will make it possi­ble to detect the small­est changes in physi­cal quanti­ties. Even though funda­men­tal research topics still need to be clari­fied, commer­cial appli­ca­tions are already foresee­able in some areas. And as great as the poten­tial of quantum technolo­gies is, it is just as impor­tant to quickly trans­fer them into appli­ca­tions.

The Karlsruhe Univer­sity of Applied Sciences (HKA) is an estab­lished name in the field of applied sciences in Baden-Württemberg and repre­sents an impor­tant addition to the QuantumBW network. The promo­tion of young talent is a key pillar of the quantum strat­egy of the state of Baden-Württemberg. With its engineer­ing and computer science facul­ties and its strength in applied research in the STEM fields, the Karlsruhe Univer­sity of Applied Sciences is in the perfect position to develop and make acces­si­ble the appli­ca­tions of quantum technolo­gies for its natural partners, small, medium-sized and large compa­nies in the regional economy.

By joining QuantumBW, the HKA aims to network with the other players in Baden-Württemberg and contribute to making our state a leading location in Germany and Europe in this impor­tant future technology.

It is impor­tant to close the gap between the basic research of quantum comput­ers or quantum-based sensors and their appli­ca­tion at an early stage with applied research.
Prof. Dr. Franz Quint
Vice-President Research
Univer­sity of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe - Rektorat Prof. Dr. Franz Quint
© Hochschule Karlsruhe

About Univer­sity of Applied Sciences

The Karlsruhe Univer­sity of Applied Sciences (HKA) is one of the largest and most research-oriented univer­si­ties of applied sciences in Baden-Württemberg. Its passion for excel­lent teach­ing and innov­a­tive research is what sets it apart and is reflected in its excel­lent ranking results. It works closely with regional and national businesses. It stands for diver­sity, innova­tion, sustain­abil­ity, inter­na­tional orien­ta­tion, and togetherness.

The Karlsruhe Univer­sity of Applied Sciences is a public corpo­ra­tion. It is repre­sented by the rector, Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck.