© Jan Will | IQST
Start der IQST-Graduiertenschule @QuantumBW

IQST Gradu­ate School @QuantumBW starts

7/10/2024, Press release of the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg

IQST Gradu­ate School @QuantumBW starts

PhD students at the new IQST Gradu­ate School @QuantumBW are putting quantum technol­ogy into practice. The Gradu­ate School is open to young researchers from all over Baden-Württemberg and strength­ens the QuantumBW innova­tion campus in partic­u­lar, as well as the connec­tion to indus­try.
The train­ing and further educa­tion of special­ists and managers is a central field of action in Baden-Württemberg’s quantum strat­egy. The state is there­fore funding the estab­lish­ment of a gradu­ate school in the future disci­pline of quantum technol­ogy with 4.7 million euros. In partic­u­lar, the new gradu­ate school will strengthen the QuantumBW innova­tion campus and promote exchange between the state univer­si­ties and with indus­try. It will be managed by the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technol­ogy (IQST). “Quantum technol­ogy offers unimag­ined possi­bil­i­ties — from high-performance quantum comput­ers and ultra-sensitive sensors to naviga­tion in space. In order for the leap from theory to practice to succeed, we need excel­lently trained special­ists for science and indus­try. The new gradu­ate school with ten doctoral positions takes our QuantumBW innova­tion campus to the next level and further strength­ens Baden-Württemberg as a research and business location,” said Science Minis­ter Petra Olschowski on July 10 in Stuttgart.

Trans­fer from science to application 

The Ministry of Science is funding the ten doctoral positions at the IQST Gradu­ate School @QuantumBW for an initial period of four years. Gradu­ate schools enable a struc­tured doctor­ate — often with additional seminars and super­vi­sion. The new insti­tu­tion is not limited to one location, but is open to young researchers from all univer­si­ties in Baden-Württemberg. Each doctoral project is led by a research insti­tu­tion and accom­pa­nied by at least one indus­trial partner. This model promotes both the trans­fer from science to practice and the connec­tion between indus­try and univer­sity research. “Within the Gradu­ate School, we support projects that bridge the gap between basic research and technol­ogy devel­op­ment. These are projects with high techno­log­i­cal poten­tial, but which are still at an early stage of devel­op­ment. In this way, we create a link to practice,” said Prof. Dr. Stefanie Barz, coordi­na­tor of the Gradu­ate School. Researchers from Stuttgart and Ulm, together with partners from all over Baden-Württemberg, have been pooling their exper­tise in basic research and application-oriented research in the field of quantum technol­ogy at IQST for many years. A partic­u­lar focus of the IQST is the train­ing of doctoral students. The new gradu­ate school brings these estab­lished struc­tures together with the QuantumBW innova­tion campus. The main research fields to be addressed within the IQST Gradu­ate School @QuantumBW are:
  • Quantum sensor technol­ogy and metrology
  • Quantum comput­ing and quantum informatics
  • Integrated quantum technolo­gies, integrated quantum photon­ics and quantum materials
  • Quantum networks

In addition, train­ing and quali­fi­ca­tion measures are offered on topics such as trans­fer, founda­tion or intel­lec­tual property (IP). These train­ing courses are also open to doctoral students from other quantum initia­tives in the state. In this way, the doctoral network and the quantum commu­nity in Baden-Württemberg will continue to grow. The call for projects will be published in July 2024 so that the ten doctoral projects can start in October 2024.