8/22/2024—The QuantumBW ecosys­tem is growing

Eviden joins QuantumBW network

The inter­na­tional technol­ogy company Eviden joins QuantumBW. Eviden offers services in the areas of digital­iza­tion, cloud, data and security and employs 47,000 people world­wide.

QuantumBW warmly welcomes its newest member Eviden to the QuantumBW network. As a next-generation technol­ogy leader in the field of data-driven, trusted and sustain­able digital trans­for­ma­tion, Eviden enriches the quantum technol­ogy ecosys­tem in Baden-Württemberg with impor­tant exper­tise and further advances quantum technologies.

We are delighted to become part of the QuantumBW network and promote the compet­i­tive­ness of the German QC commu­nity. This partner­ship highlights the crucial role of German and European technol­ogy providers to further advance Europe’s techno­log­i­cal independence.
Dr. Martin Matzke
SVP, Head of Big Data and Security,
Central Europe, Eviden (Atos group)
Porträtbild von Dr. Martin Matzke, SVP, Head of Big Data and Security, Central Europe, Eviden (Atos-Gruppe)
© Eviden

About Eviden

Eviden is a next-gen technol­ogy leader with a strong portfo­lio of patented technolo­gies. With world­wide leading positions in advanced comput­ing, security, AI, cloud and digital platforms, it provides deep exper­tise for all indus­tries in more than 47 countries. Bring­ing together 47,000 world-class talents, Eviden expands the possi­bil­i­ties of data and technol­ogy across the digital contin­uum, now and for gener­a­tions to come. Eviden is a global leader in quantum comput­ing with a complete as-a-service offer­ing focused on appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment. Eviden supports the rapid innova­tion and adoption of quantum solutions for enter­prises and organizations.