© Fraunhofer IAF
Schulungsraum des Kompetenzzentrum Quantencomputing Baden-Würrtemberg am Fraunhofer IAF in Freiburg

QuantumBW Autumn School

Septem­ber 25 to 27, 2024, Stuttgart

QuantumBW Autumn School

The inter­ac­tive QuantumBW Autumn School provided by Fraunhofer IAO and Fraunhofer IAF offers a compre­hen­sive insight into every­thing from the theory to the practi­cal program­ming of a quantum computer. The free train­ing program will take place from 25 to 27 Septem­ber, 2024, at Fraunhofer IAO in Stuttgart.

The QuantumBW Autumn School aims to provide inter­ac­tive quantum educa­tion for devel­op­ers, researchers and students. To this end, in-depth knowl­edge of quantum algorithms is taught and initial program­ming experi­ence is gained with real quantum comput­ers such as the IBM Quantum System One in Ehningen. 

The course also addresses issues at manage­ment level and provides a far-reaching overview and specific recom­men­da­tions for action on current trends, market devel­op­ments and the compet­i­tive landscape in the field of quantum computing.

More infor­ma­tion

Das Kompetenzzentrum Quantencomputing Baden-Würrtemberg bietet Schulungen an.
© Fraunhofer IAF

QuantumBW Autumn School

Septem­ber 25 to 27, 2024

The free train­ing program takes place at Fraunhofer IAO in Stuttgart.



Further infor­ma­tion