© Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH
Gelände der Messe Stuttgart, wo die Quantum Effects stattfindet

Quantum Effects 2024

October 8–9, 2024, Landesmesse Stuttgart

Quantum Effects 2024

The second edition of Quantum Effects will take place in Stuttgart on October 8 and 9, 2024. Compa­nies and insti­tu­tions from all over the world will present their activ­i­ties in the field of quantum technolo­gies. QuantumBW presents the latest devel­op­ments from Baden-Württemberg.
Quantum Effects is a trade fair and confer­ence for application-oriented quantum technolo­gies. Quantum Effects devel­ops and shapes a compre­hen­sive European quantum ecosys­tem together with indus­try, science and politics as well as the relevant networks and investors. The Quantum Effects Award recog­nizes outstand­ing innova­tions that combine the classi­cal and quantum worlds, are used in differ­ent indus­tries, enable individ­ual services and open up new perspectives. The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism of the State of Baden-Württemberg has assumed the patron­age of Quantum Effects.
Baden-Wuerttemberg booth at Quantum Effects 2023
The first edition of Quantum Effects took place in Stuttgart in 2023 and brought together inter­na­tional players from indus­try and science. © Ludmilla Parsyak, Fraunhofer IAO

Quantum Effects 2024

Time: October 8–9, 2024

Place: Landesmesse Stuttgart

Language: English and German