Novem­ber 5–7, 2025, Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart, Germany

Quantum Comput­ing Indus­try Training

Quantum comput­ing repre­sents a signif­i­cant leap forward in human‘s ability to process infor­ma­tion. For compa­nies, the integra­tion of quantum comput­ing into their business processes holds great poten­tial due to speed and preci­sion advan­tages. For devel­op­ers and manage­ment to be able to assess the technol­ogy, a sound knowl­edge of possi­ble appli­ca­tions and corre­spond­ing algorithms is required. In addition, acade­mic educa­tion of the next gener­a­tion and further train­ing of exist­ing special­ists in quantum appli­ca­tions are of great impor­tance. 

The indus­try train­ing course consists of four modules and provides compre­hen­sive knowl­edge in the field of quantum comput­ing — from basics and hardware to algorithms and appli­ca­tions. Partic­i­pants learn how to assess this key technol­ogy, how to deal with it and how to use it in a targeted manner. The course aims to provide a general under­stand­ing of quantum technol­ogy and to develop the neces­sary key skills for indus­trial application. 

We invite partic­i­pants to join us in learn­ing about the phenom­ena of the quantum world, the differ­ences in today’s system archi­tec­tures and the basics of their program­ming. From the princi­ples of quantum mechan­ics, we will follow the excit­ing path to their indus­trial appli­ca­tion and deal with various use cases, for example in the fields of quantum chemistry, finance, optimiza­tion or quantum machine learning.

The course is aimed at:

  • People inter­ested in quantum computing
  • Company repre­sen­ta­tives from industry
  • Technol­ogy scouts
  • Innova­tion managers

Quantum Comput­ing Indus­try Training

Novem­ber 05–07, 2025

Fraunhofer IAO
Nobel­straße 12
70569 Stuttgart, Germany


Apply here