Febru­ary 27, 2025, Polytec GmbH, Waldbronn, Germany

Cross Cluster Event – Photon­ics and Quantum Technolo­gies Meet Environ­men­tal Technology

Photon­ics BW, QuantumBW and Umwelt­tech­nik BW, together with the Regio­Clus­ter Agency, invite you to the cross-cluster event “Photon­ics and Quantum Technolo­gies Meet Environ­men­tal Technol­ogy” on Febru­ary 25 at the Polytec.

Water quality plays a central role in sustain­ing life on our planet. In addition to H2O, our drink­ing water contains impor­tant miner­als as well as trace amounts of undesir­able molecules and compounds. In order to detect these trace elements as quickly and cost-effectively as possi­ble, optical technolo­gies are already in use today that enable flow analy­sis during opera­tion. New results from photon­ics and quantum technol­ogy offer excit­ing possi­bil­i­ties for minimally invasive measure­ments and, in the future, even more cost-effective ways to expand the range of substances that can be detected.

Cross Cluster Event – Photon­ics and Quantum Technolo­gies Meet Environ­men­tal Technology

Febru­ary 27, 2025, 13:45–18:00 

Polytec GmbH
Polytec-Platz 1–7
76337 Waldbronn, Germany

