Novem­ber 15, 2025, Halle Münster­land, Münster, Germany

Closing Event of the Year of Quantum (IYQ) 2025

The United Nations has declared 2025 to be the Inter­na­tional Year of Quantum Science and Technol­ogy (IYQ). Under the motto “Quantum2025 — 100 years are only the begin­ning…”, the German Physi­cal Society (DPG) is organiz­ing a variety of events through­out Germany in the quantum year 2025.

On Satur­day, 15.11.2025, the DPG‘s closing event of the Quantum Year will take place in the Halle Münster­land — with lectures (e.g. Prof. Markus Arndt, Univer­sity of Vienna), exper­i­men­tal workshops for students and an exhibi­tion with renowned repre­sen­ta­tives from indus­try and science (13–19:30).

In the evening, start­ing at 7:30 p.m., an audio-visual experi­ence of music and quantum physics will be presented by composer Yannick Paget (Paris, Kyoto) with the music ensem­ble N‘SO KYOTO in cooper­a­tion with Koji Hashimoto (Kyoto). The perfor­mance with more than 200 musicians will take place in cooper­a­tion with the Münster Pupils Orches­tra and school choirs from the Münster­land region. The evening will be hosted by Jakob Beautemps.

Closing Event of the Year of Quantum (IYQ) 2025

Novem­ber 15, 2025, 13–19:30 

Location: Messe und Congress Centrum Halle Münster­land Alber­slo­her Weg 32, 48155 Münster, Germany

Appli­ca­tion Deadline:
