
New member in the QuantumBW network: AITAD GmbH

© AITAD GmbH | Dietzefotografie
Lebensdauertest bei der AITAD GmbH

New member in the QuantumBW network: AITAD GmbH

12/10/2024 – The QuantumBW ecosys­tem is growing

New member in the QuantumBW network: AITAD GmbH

QuantumBW welcomes the Offenburg-based embed­ded AI company AITAD GmbH to its network. The young technol­ogy company with around 30 employ­ees focuses on the devel­op­ment and testing of AI electron­ics systems, partic­u­larly in combi­na­tion with machine learn­ing in the automo­tive and indus­trial context.
QuantumBW is delighted to welcome its new member AITAD GmbH to the QuantumBW network. As an embed­ded AI provider, AITAD brings impor­tant exper­tise to the quantum technol­ogy ecosys­tem of Baden-Württemberg. Local embed­ded AI sensors, which can process very large amounts of data very quickly on site, can contribute to the realiza­tion and scaling of quantum computing.

In addition, the proxim­ity to the appli­ca­tion enables special oppor­tu­ni­ties for the valida­tion of QuantumBW partner technolo­gies for quantum sensing and quantum AI, which are an impor­tant build­ing block for devel­op­ing even more efficient and high-performance system compo­nents and ultimately bring­ing the technolo­gies into application.

“The overar­ch­ing commit­ment to the selected network with targeted and funded projects will certainly have a lasting impact on the local economic strength in a dozen years’ time. We are grate­ful and delighted to have been accepted into the QuantumBW network and see this as a strate­gi­cally impor­tant social commit­ment,” explains Viach­eslav Gromov, founder and manag­ing partner of AITAD GmbH.

QuantumBW is a modern and coura­geous project of the research insti­tu­tions and compa­nies in Baden-Württemberg, which does justice to the decen­tral­ized economic and compe­tence struc­ture of the state.”
Viach­eslav Gromov
Founder and Manag­ing Partner
Viacheslav Gromov, Gründer und geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der AITAD GmbH
© AITAD GmbH | Dietzefotografie


AITAD is a German embed­ded AI provider with around 30 employ­ees, its own produc­tion facil­ity and test hall. The company focuses on the devel­op­ment, testing and series produc­tion of AI electron­ics systems, partic­u­larly in connec­tion with machine learn­ing in an indus­trial context (especially system compo­nents). As a devel­op­ment partner, AITAD takes over the entire process from data collec­tion to devel­op­ment and deliv­ery of the system compo­nents. This allows innov­a­tive adapta­tions to be made to the product without the need for exper­tise and only a few resources on the part of the customer. The focus is on future-oriented, disrup­tive, innov­a­tive adapta­tions with the great­est possi­ble impact on struc­tures and product strategies.

AITAD acts as an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary full-stack provider in the fields of data science, mechan­i­cal engineer­ing and embed­ded hardware and software. AITAD also conducts inter­nal and exter­nal research into numer­ous algorith­mic and semicon­duc­tor funda­men­tals of AI technol­ogy. In 2023, AITAD received the “embed­ded award” against “AWS” and “AMD” in the AI category, the Top100 Innova­tion Award for medium-sized compa­nies and was named AI Champion Baden-Württemberg.

Mitarbeitender der AITAD GmbH bei der Entwicklungsarbeit
AITAD GmbH employee during devel­op­ment work. | © AITAD GmbH, Dietzefotografie
Lebensdauertest bei der AITAD GmbH
Service life test at AITAD GmbH | © AITAD GmbH, Dietzefotografie
Beispiel für einen Sensor der AITAD GmbH
Example of a sensor from AITAD GmbH | © AITAD GmbH, Dietzefotografie

Looking back at Quantum Effects 2024

© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW

Looking back at Quantum Effects 2024

10/29/2024, Trade fair for quantum technolo­gies a huge success

Looking back at Quantum Effects 2024

On October 9 and 10, the second edition of the inter­na­tional trade fair for quantum technolo­gies, Quantum Effects, took place in Stuttgart. The QuantumBW joint booth with 20 co-exhibiting univer­si­ties, research insti­tutes and public insti­tu­tions presented quantum technolo­gies on 450 m2.

The QuantumBW booth formed the center of the trade fair, symbol­iz­ing the role of the state initia­tive as the core of the strong, unique quantum ecosys­tem in Baden-Württemberg. It was surrounded by other network partners and co-exhibitors from indus­try and science.

In addition to the presen­ta­tion of current research and devel­op­ment activ­i­ties by scien­tific insti­tu­tions and compa­nies, the 33 presen­ta­tions on the Yellow Stage right next to the QuantumBW booth attracted a very large and inter­ested audience.

In summary, Quantum Effects once again offered excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ties for personal exchange within the inter­na­tional quantum commu­nity, to keep up to date with the latest technol­ogy with the help of the numer­ous exhibits and presen­ta­tions and to gain an idea of upcom­ing devel­op­ments.

It is already certain that the trade fair will come back next year: Quantum Effects 2025 will take place on October 7 and 8 at Messe Stuttgart.

Impres­sions from the venue

© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW
© Ludmilla Parsyak | QuantumBW

QSens enters second phase of BMBF funding

© QSens
Person in Schutzkleidung läuft durch einen Reinraum, der in orangefarbenes Licht getaucht ist. Sie wurde von hinten fotografiert.

QSens enters second phase of BMBF funding

9/13/2024, Advanced quantum sensors for biomedicine

QSens enters second phase of BMBF funding

The QSens future cluster is enter­ing its second funding phase. The Federal Ministry of Educa­tion and Research (BMBF) is support­ing the cluster for a further three years with up to 15 million euros as part of the “Clusters4Future” program.

QSens focuses on the devel­op­ment of advanced quantum sensors with a wide range of poten­tial appli­ca­tions, for example in medical technol­ogy, the energy indus­try and autonomous systems. The first funding phase was charac­ter­ized by the estab­lish­ment of a success­ful innova­tion network, which is now being further expanded in order to bring the technol­ogy into practice more quickly. A partic­u­lar focus in the next phase will be on the devel­op­ment of quantum sensors for biomed­ical appli­ca­tions, such as the control of intel­li­gent prosthe­ses and the early detec­tion of diseases.

Associ­a­tion estab­lish­ment and expan­sion of “Quanten4KMU”

The cluster is also planning to estab­lish an associ­a­tion that will enable indus­trial partners and SMEs to join the innova­tion network. Further­more, the “Quanten4KMU” platform is to be expanded to make it easier for smaller compa­nies to access state-of-the-art quantum technologies. With this second funding phase, QSens is laying the founda­tions for future market launches and strength­en­ing the region’s innov­a­tive power in the long term.
Drei Männder stehen vor einem White Board. Einer von ihnen schreibt etwas darauf.
The cluster QSens is being funded for a further three years by the BMBF. | © QSens

Further infor­ma­tion

New in the QuantumBW network: EnBW AG

© EnBW
Offshore Windpark in der baltische Meer
New in the QuantumBW network: EnBW AG

9.9.2024 – New member in the quantumBW ecosystem

New in the QuantumBW network: EnBW AG

One of the largest energy compa­nies in Germany and Europe, EnBW AG, joins QuantumBW. With an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach, EnBW is build­ing up knowl­edge for market oppor­tu­ni­ties arising from future devel­op­ments in quantum comput­ing in the energy system.

The QuantumBW network is growing and we are delighted to welcome our newe member EnBW AG! As one of the largest energy compa­nies in Germany and Europe, EnBW applies an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach to closely follow the latest devel­op­ments in quantum comput­ing in order to identify the disrup­tive poten­tial of the technol­ogy for various use cases in the energy sector at an early stage. The practi­cal experi­ence, use cases and require­ments from the energy sector are a valuable contri­bu­tion to accel­er­at­ing the trans­fer of quantum comput­ing into appli­ca­tion. We look forward to working together in our QuantumBW ecosystem.
Man in Anzug
Dr. Denis Hess, Lead Scien­tist and IT-Manager Quantum Computing
Through cooper­a­tion, the QuantumBW network offers EnBW a great oppor­tu­nity to learn more about quantum comput­ing and to jointly drive forward innov­a­tive and industry-related projects that can shape the future of energy supply in a sustain­able way.
Dr. Klemens Haas
Project Manager Research and Devel­op­ment
Junger Herr mit Hemd
© EnBW

About EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG

With over 28,000 employ­ees, EnBW is one of the largest energy compa­nies in Germany and Europe. It supplies around 5.5 million customers with electric­ity, gas, water as well as services and products in the areas of infra­struc­ture and energy. As part of its realign­ment from a tradi­tional energy supplier to a sustain­able infra­struc­ture company, the expan­sion of renew­able energies and the distri­b­u­tion and trans­mis­sion grids for electric­ity and gas are corner­stones of EnBW’s growth strat­egy and the focus of its invest­ments. EnBW plans to invest €40 billion gross by 2030, around 90% of which will be in Germany. By the end of 2025, more than half of EnBW’s gener­a­tion portfo­lio is to consist of renew­able energies, and the aim is to phase out coal by the end of 2028. These are key milestones on the company’s path to climate neutral­ity by 2035.

Eviden joins QuantumBW network

8/22/2024—The QuantumBW ecosys­tem is growing

Eviden joins QuantumBW network

The inter­na­tional technol­ogy company Eviden joins QuantumBW. Eviden offers services in the areas of digital­iza­tion, cloud, data and security and employs 47,000 people world­wide.

QuantumBW warmly welcomes its newest member Eviden to the QuantumBW network. As a next-generation technol­ogy leader in the field of data-driven, trusted and sustain­able digital trans­for­ma­tion, Eviden enriches the quantum technol­ogy ecosys­tem in Baden-Württemberg with impor­tant exper­tise and further advances quantum technologies.

We are delighted to become part of the QuantumBW network and promote the compet­i­tive­ness of the German QC commu­nity. This partner­ship highlights the crucial role of German and European technol­ogy providers to further advance Europe’s techno­log­i­cal independence.
Dr. Martin Matzke
SVP, Head of Big Data and Security,
Central Europe, Eviden (Atos group)
Porträtbild von Dr. Martin Matzke, SVP, Head of Big Data and Security, Central Europe, Eviden (Atos-Gruppe)
© Eviden

About Eviden

Eviden is a next-gen technol­ogy leader with a strong portfo­lio of patented technolo­gies. With world­wide leading positions in advanced comput­ing, security, AI, cloud and digital platforms, it provides deep exper­tise for all indus­tries in more than 47 countries. Bring­ing together 47,000 world-class talents, Eviden expands the possi­bil­i­ties of data and technol­ogy across the digital contin­uum, now and for gener­a­tions to come. Eviden is a global leader in quantum comput­ing with a complete as-a-service offer­ing focused on appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment. Eviden supports the rapid innova­tion and adoption of quantum solutions for enter­prises and organizations.

IQST Gradu­ate School @QuantumBW starts

© Jan Will | IQST
Start der IQST-Graduiertenschule @QuantumBW

IQST Gradu­ate School @QuantumBW starts

7/10/2024, Press release of the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg

IQST Gradu­ate School @QuantumBW starts

PhD students at the new IQST Gradu­ate School @QuantumBW are putting quantum technol­ogy into practice. The Gradu­ate School is open to young researchers from all over Baden-Württemberg and strength­ens the QuantumBW innova­tion campus in partic­u­lar, as well as the connec­tion to indus­try.
The train­ing and further educa­tion of special­ists and managers is a central field of action in Baden-Württemberg’s quantum strat­egy. The state is there­fore funding the estab­lish­ment of a gradu­ate school in the future disci­pline of quantum technol­ogy with 4.7 million euros. In partic­u­lar, the new gradu­ate school will strengthen the QuantumBW innova­tion campus and promote exchange between the state univer­si­ties and with indus­try. It will be managed by the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technol­ogy (IQST). “Quantum technol­ogy offers unimag­ined possi­bil­i­ties — from high-performance quantum comput­ers and ultra-sensitive sensors to naviga­tion in space. In order for the leap from theory to practice to succeed, we need excel­lently trained special­ists for science and indus­try. The new gradu­ate school with ten doctoral positions takes our QuantumBW innova­tion campus to the next level and further strength­ens Baden-Württemberg as a research and business location,” said Science Minis­ter Petra Olschowski on July 10 in Stuttgart.

Trans­fer from science to application 

The Ministry of Science is funding the ten doctoral positions at the IQST Gradu­ate School @QuantumBW for an initial period of four years. Gradu­ate schools enable a struc­tured doctor­ate — often with additional seminars and super­vi­sion. The new insti­tu­tion is not limited to one location, but is open to young researchers from all univer­si­ties in Baden-Württemberg. Each doctoral project is led by a research insti­tu­tion and accom­pa­nied by at least one indus­trial partner. This model promotes both the trans­fer from science to practice and the connec­tion between indus­try and univer­sity research. “Within the Gradu­ate School, we support projects that bridge the gap between basic research and technol­ogy devel­op­ment. These are projects with high techno­log­i­cal poten­tial, but which are still at an early stage of devel­op­ment. In this way, we create a link to practice,” said Prof. Dr. Stefanie Barz, coordi­na­tor of the Gradu­ate School. Researchers from Stuttgart and Ulm, together with partners from all over Baden-Württemberg, have been pooling their exper­tise in basic research and application-oriented research in the field of quantum technol­ogy at IQST for many years. A partic­u­lar focus of the IQST is the train­ing of doctoral students. The new gradu­ate school brings these estab­lished struc­tures together with the QuantumBW innova­tion campus. The main research fields to be addressed within the IQST Gradu­ate School @QuantumBW are:
  • Quantum sensor technol­ogy and metrology
  • Quantum comput­ing and quantum informatics
  • Integrated quantum technolo­gies, integrated quantum photon­ics and quantum materials
  • Quantum networks

In addition, train­ing and quali­fi­ca­tion measures are offered on topics such as trans­fer, founda­tion or intel­lec­tual property (IP). These train­ing courses are also open to doctoral students from other quantum initia­tives in the state. In this way, the doctoral network and the quantum commu­nity in Baden-Württemberg will continue to grow. The call for projects will be published in July 2024 so that the ten doctoral projects can start in October 2024.

Science Minis­ter Petra Olschowski visits Ulm University

© Minis­terium für Wissen­schaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
Besuch von Wissenschaftsministerin Petra Olschowski an der Uni Ulm: Prof. Joachim Ankerhold, QuantumBW-Sprecher; Doktorandin Miriam Resch; Lara Thullner und Yannik Gerdes, Physikstudierende; Wissenschaftsministerin Petra Olschowski; Martin Rivoir, Landtagsabgeordneter und Universitätspräsident Prof. Michael Weber (v. l.)

Science Minis­ter Petra Olschowski visits Ulm University

6/7/2024, press release of Ulm University

Science Minis­ter Petra Olschowski visits univer­sity campus

Magnetic resonance imaging and GPS naviga­tion are based on quantum mechan­i­cal functions. However, quantum mechan­ics should also enable tap-proof commu­ni­ca­tion and highly sensi­tive sensors in the future. Quantum comput­ers could help with simula­tions or person­alised drug devel­op­ment. Science Minis­ter Petra Olschowski learned about Ulm University’s central role in pioneer­ing research into quantum science during a visit on Thurs­day, 6 June.

The state minis­ter was welcomed by Profes­sor Joachim Anker­hold, spokesper­son for the state-wide innova­tion campus for quantum technolo­gies QuantumBW and head of the Insti­tute for Complex Quantum Systems at Ulm Univer­sity. He presented research projects at the Ulm site and their integra­tion into QuantumBW and discussed current challenges with the Science Minis­ter. He also presented various activ­i­ties aimed at publi­cis­ing the research field of quantum science — from school labs to science slams. “We are delighted to be able to present to the Minis­ter the exten­sive activ­i­ties in the quantum field on the campus, which are an integral part of the new Innova­tion Campus. The gener­ous and long-term funding provided by the state is crucial for this still young technol­ogy with high innova­tion poten­tial,” says Profes­sor Ankerhold.

Science Minis­ter Petra Olschowski was impressed by the research activ­i­ties of the scien­tists in the field of quantum physics phenom­ena. “As a found­ing member of the state initia­tive QuantumBW, Ulm Univer­sity is driving quantum technol­ogy forward — from basic research to appli­ca­tion areas such as quantum comput­ing, medical imaging and sensor technol­ogy. In this way, the inter­dis­ci­pli­nary researchers are strength­en­ing Baden-Württemberg’s outstand­ing position in this field of innova­tion. Between theory and practice, optimal condi­tions are also being created for the promo­tion of young talent: the new Ulm Master’s degree programme ‘Quantum Engineer­ing’ is train­ing the sought-after special­ists and managers of tomor­row — for science, indus­try and the innov­a­tive strength of the state. At the Ministry of Science, we are eagerly follow­ing the second quantum revolu­tion, to which QuantumBW can make a signif­i­cant contri­bu­tion. We are support­ing this future-oriented research to the best of our ability,” says Petra Olschowski.

Besuch von Wissenschaftsministerin Petra Olschowski an der Uni Ulm: Prof. Joachim Ankerhold, QuantumBW-Sprecher; Doktorandin Miriam Resch; Lara Thullner und Yannik Gerdes, Physikstudierende; Wissenschaftsministerin Petra Olschowski; Martin Rivoir, Landtagsabgeordneter und Universitätspräsident Prof. Michael Weber (v. l.)
Science Minis­ter Petra Olschowski’s visit to Ulm Univer­sity: Prof Joachim Anker­hold, QuantumBW spokesper­son; doctoral student Miriam Resch; Lara Thull­ner and Yannik Gerdes, physics students; Science Minis­ter Petra Olschowski; Martin Rivoir, member of the state parlia­ment and Univer­sity Presi­dent Prof Michael Weber (from left). © Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg

Researchers are focussing on the manip­u­la­tion of tiny parti­cles in artifi­cial diamonds

The Science Minis­ter then visited a labora­tory at the Center for Quantum BioSciences (ZQB), where researchers have access to a customised infra­struc­ture. The ZQB (Manag­ing Direc­tor Profes­sor Martin Plenio) serves as the central infra­struc­ture in Baden-Württemberg for under­stand­ing quantum effects in highly complex systems and devel­op­ing new forms of sensor and imaging technology.

The Science Minis­ter then exchanged ideas with three physics students from bachelor’s to doctoral level and promoted study­ing STEM subjects. The train­ing and further educa­tion of young scien­tists and special­ists for science and indus­try is one of QuantumBW’s key areas of activity.

Wissenschaftsministerin Petra Olschowski (2. v. r.) informiert sich zusammen mit Prof. Joachim Ankerhold, Sprecher von QuantumBW (3. v. l.), im Labor von Prof. Fedor Jelezko (l.) über Quantensensorik
Science Minis­ter Petra Olschowski (2nd from right) and Prof Joachim Anker­hold, spokesper­son for QuantumBW (3rd from left), learn about quantum sensor technol­ogy in the labora­tory of Prof Fedor Jelezko (left). © Ulm Univer­sity | Daniela Stang

From Lab to Fab – Quantum technolo­gies in Baden-Württemberg

From Lab to Fab – Quantum technolo­gies in Baden-Württemberg

QuantumBW invited to get to know and discuss the quantum technol­ogy research in Baden-Württemberg at the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart on May 14. The event took place directly after the two-day Quantum Comput­ing Exchange Forum (AFQC), which was organized by the Quantum Comput­ing Initia­tive of the German Aerospace Center (DLR QCI). 

Read more
© Fraunhofer IAO

Cluster of Excel­lence proposal Chem4Quant in the next round

© Dr. Johannes Richers | Visual Science Communication
Projektvisual Chem4Quant

Cluster of Excel­lence proposal in the next round

2/2/2024, Press release of Ulm University

Cluster of Excel­lence proposal Chem4Quant in the next round

Ulm Univer­sity has cleared an impor­tant obsta­cle in its proposal for a Cluster of Excel­lence. Together with project partners from the Karlsruhe Insti­tute of Technol­ogy (KIT) and the Univer­sity of Stuttgart, Ulm Univer­sity has made it to the next round of the Excel­lence Strat­egy of the German federal and state govern­ments. This was announced today (Friday, 2 Febru­ary) by the German Research Founda­tion and the German Science and Human­i­ties Council.

From a total of 143 draft propos­als, the panel of experts for the Excel­lence Strat­egy initia­tive has selected 41 for a full proposal. These include the “Chem4Quant” draft proposal from KIT (the univer­sity manag­ing the funds), Ulm Univer­sity and the Univer­sity of Stuttgart. In this joint project, an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary team from the areas of chemistry, physics, computer science and materi­als science is seeking to develop atomi­cally precise mater­ial struc­tures to be used in future quantum technolo­gies. Using a chemi­cal platform, qubit materi­als are to be planned and designed in such a way that they will be ideally suited to the specific require­ments of quantum technol­ogy. The high-precision quantum archi­tec­tures are intended for use in such areas as the future quantum internet.

“We are thrilled that our draft proposal was success­ful and that we can now submit a full proposal for a Cluster of Excel­lence”, says Profes­sor Fedor Jelezko. Jelezko is the head of the Ulm Insti­tute of Quantum Optics and project spokesper­son for Ulm Univer­sity. “We are pooling globally unique exper­tise in the field of quantum science in Ulm, Stuttgart and Karlsruhe. This advanced technol­ogy is one of the driving forces of innova­tion for the future and puts the (German) South­west in a position of guaran­teed success in global scien­tific and economic compe­ti­tion”, empha­sises Profes­sor Michael Weber, presi­dent of Ulm Univer­sity, who announced the good news at Ulm University’s Dies academicus.

IQST and QuantumBW at the heart of the proposal

At the heart of regional quantum research is the Centre for Integrated Quantum Science and Technol­ogy (IQST). The IQST is an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary group of researchers from the natural sciences and engineer­ing that is unique in Germany. It is jointly run by Ulm Univer­sity, the Univer­sity of Stuttgart and the Max Planck Insti­tute for Solid State Research. 

Their shared goal is to develop innov­a­tive technolo­gies based on the princi­ples of quantum physics. The IQST is part of the QuantumBW network, which is funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg with the aim of provid­ing a collab­o­ra­tive network for members of science and indus­try in this field.

Key Visual der Exzellenz-Atragsskisse Chem4Quant
The joint initia­tive Chem4Quant, proposed by KIT, Ulm Univer­sity and the Univer­sity of Stuttgart, focuses on the devel­op­ment of a chemi­cal platform for high-precision quantum architectures
We are thrilled that our draft proposal was success­ful and that we can now submit a full proposal for a Cluster of Excellence.
Prof. Dr. Fedor Jelezko
Head of the Ulm Insti­tute of Quantum Optics
Prof. Fedor Jelezko
© Eberhardt | kiz

Infor­ma­tion on the draft proposal Chem4Quant: Chemi­cal platform for high-precision quantum architectures

In the joint initia­tive Chem4Quant, researchers from KIT, Ulm Univer­sity and the Univer­sity of Stuttgart aim to develop specific mater­ial struc­tures for future quantum technolo­gies. Despite the break­throughs achieved in the field of quantum technol­ogy so far, many of the platforms currently in use remain limited in terms of scala­bil­ity, adjusta­bil­ity, position­abil­ity and error correc­tion. Chem4Quant is thus propos­ing a funda­men­tally new approach, with a chemistry-based platform. Quantum archi­tec­tures that can be precisely defined in a chemi­cal sense make it possi­ble to delib­er­ately plan atomi­cally precise mater­ial struc­tures and their quantum proper­ties. For example, qubits can be positioned in electri­cal or photonic compo­nents with a preci­sion that lies below the nanome­tre range. 

The initia­tive aims to create new qubit materi­als and develop the first compo­nents for the future quantum inter­net. In this context, Chem4Quant can draw on globally unique exper­tise in the field of molec­u­lar quantum systems as well as estab­lished partnerships.

The Clusters of Excel­lence funding line is part of the Excel­lence Strat­egy of the German federal and state govern­ments. The funding programme is admin­is­tered by the German Research Founda­tion (Deutsche Forschungs­ge­mein­schaft, DFG). Approved Clusters of Excel­lence receive 3 to 10 million euros per year and the maximum duration of funding is two periods of seven years each.

The appli­ca­tion process has multi­ple phases. The panel of experts has now selected 41 out of a total of 143 draft propos­als for full propos­als (EXC propos­als). The final funding decision on the future Clusters of Excel­lence will be taken in late May 2025.

IQST celebrates 10th anniversary

IQST celebrates 10th anniversary

The Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technol­ogy (IQST) celebrates its 10th anniver­sary in Febru­ary with a special 3 day symposium.

The whole IQST commu­nity as well as renowned inter­na­tional researchers will come together to talk about their latest research and to honour “A Decade of Quantum Advance­ments – Past, Present, and Future”.

Picture: © IQST

About IQST
Gruppenbild IQST