April 04, 2025, Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart, Germany

Quantum Comput­ing Compact Training

Quantum comput­ing repre­sents a signif­i­cant leap forward in human‘s ability to process infor­ma­tion. For compa­nies, the integra­tion of quantum comput­ing into their business processes holds great poten­tial due to speed and preci­sion advan­tages. For devel­op­ers and manage­ment to be able to assess the technol­ogy, a sound knowl­edge of possi­ble appli­ca­tions and corre­spond­ing algorithms is required. In addition, acade­mic educa­tion of the next gener­a­tion and further train­ing of exist­ing special­ists in quantum appli­ca­tions are of great importance. 

How does quantum comput­ing (QC) work, what princi­ples is its program­ming based on and why does the so-called quantum advan­tage promise disrup­tive change in almost all branches of indus­try? In our one-day intro­duc­tory workshop, you will learn about the QC basics, the innova­tion network with its oppor­tu­ni­ties and challenges and gain insights into poten­tial applications. 

The short train­ing course is aimed at:

  • People inter­ested in quantum computin
  • Manage­ment without prior techni­cal knowledge
  • Politi­cians
  • Decision-makers
  • Cross-disciplinary enthu­si­asts 

Quantum Comput­ing Compact Training

April 04, 2025

Fraunhofer IAO
Nobel­straße 12
70569 Stuttgart, Germany


Apply here