Festo SE & Co. KG.
BionicCellFactory von Festo

Festo joins the QuantumBW network

01/07/2025 — QuantumBW Ecosys­tem contin­ues to grow

Festo joins the QuantumBW network

QuantumBW warmly welcomes Festo to its network. With the indepen­dent family-owned company, the QuantumBW ecosys­tem is growing with a strong and application-focused partner that has been a driving force in automa­tion for over 60 years.

With the addition of Festo, the QuantumBW network has gained a strong and application-focused partner. Festo is a pioneer in the use of quantum technolo­gies that has recog­nized the poten­tial for itself. The company has opened the door to a completely new realm of possi­bil­i­ties in the field of process control in biore­ac­tors with the use of photonic quantum sensors from Q.ANT—another QuantumBW network partner. Festo is now contribut­ing their experi­ence in the appli­ca­tion of quantum technolo­gies to the QuantumBW ecosys­tem. The quantum technol­ogy initia­tive in Baden-Württemberg aims to identify further use cases in order to jointly develop the oppor­tu­ni­ties and poten­tial of quantum technolo­gies for the economy and ultimately for society.

“From the steam engine to the computer, to the connected cloud, to neural networks and entan­gled qubits — techno­log­i­cal change has always occurred, but the pace of innova­tion is accel­er­at­ing. Keeping pace, recog­niz­ing poten­tial and actively shaping the future is the key challenge for any technology-driven business. It is diffi­cult to say when, where and for whom quantum technolo­gies will realize their poten­tial. The only thing that is clear is that the joint commit­ment of all players, from research to appli­ca­tion, is the basic prereq­ui­site,” explains Dr Uwe S. Pracht, who works in the Corpo­rate Research & Innova­tion depart­ment at Festo.

With our member­ship in QuantumBW, we want to be an active part of the devel­op­ment in quantum technolo­gies, contribut­ing real use cases and measur­ing the relevance of ideas, technolo­gies and solutions against reality.”
Dr. Uwe S. Pracht
Corpo­rate Research & Innova­tion
Festo SE & Co. KG

Daniel Spies, who also works in Corpo­rate Research & Innova­tion at Festo, adds: “Festo is already prepar­ing for the new technol­ogy and is working closely with indus­try and research to play a leading role at the forefront of techno­log­i­cal progress. We are there­fore partic­u­larly looking forward to a valuable exchange with the partners in the QuantumBW network in order to achieve this goal together.”

We may be on the brink of a new age of quantum comput­ing. No one yet knows if or when the high expec­ta­tions will be met — but when they are, new algorithms will suddenly and disrup­tively reshape the playing field.”
Daniel Spies
Corpo­rate Research & Innova­tion
Festo SE & Co. KG

About Festo SE & Co. KG

Festo is an indepen­dent, family-owned company special­iz­ing in pneumatic and electri­cal automa­tion technol­ogy. Headquar­tered in Esslin­gen, Germany, Festo has been a driving force in automa­tion for over 60 years. More than 300,000 customers world­wide rely on Festo’s pneumatic and electric drive solutions for factory and process automa­tion. The focus is always on the most efficient and produc­tive solution for motion tasks in indus­trial produc­tion. Sustain­abil­ity and the climate-friendly trans­for­ma­tion of produc­tion are becom­ing the most impor­tant tasks along the entire value chain. As an automa­tion company, Festo offers a consis­tently compat­i­ble and open archi­tec­ture that enables electri­cal and pneumatic systems to be controlled in a single solution. Value creation through digital­iza­tion and artifi­cial intel­li­gence are future-oriented focal points at Festo. The company is driving digital­iza­tion in all areas and devel­op­ing new concepts based on innov­a­tive technolo­gies, human-machine collab­o­ra­tion and train­ing. Intel­li­gent products, connec­tiv­ity, data analy­sis, machine learn­ing and artifi­cial intel­li­gence offer customers added value for success­ful end-to-end digital­iza­tion from the workpiece to the cloud.