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Person in Schutzkleidung läuft durch einen Reinraum, der in orangefarbenes Licht getaucht ist. Sie wurde von hinten fotografiert.

QSens enters second phase of BMBF funding

9/13/2024, Advanced quantum sensors for biomedicine

QSens enters second phase of BMBF funding

The QSens future cluster is enter­ing its second funding phase. The Federal Ministry of Educa­tion and Research (BMBF) is support­ing the cluster for a further three years with up to 15 million euros as part of the “Clusters4Future” program.

QSens focuses on the devel­op­ment of advanced quantum sensors with a wide range of poten­tial appli­ca­tions, for example in medical technol­ogy, the energy indus­try and autonomous systems. The first funding phase was charac­ter­ized by the estab­lish­ment of a success­ful innova­tion network, which is now being further expanded in order to bring the technol­ogy into practice more quickly. A partic­u­lar focus in the next phase will be on the devel­op­ment of quantum sensors for biomed­ical appli­ca­tions, such as the control of intel­li­gent prosthe­ses and the early detec­tion of diseases.

Associ­a­tion estab­lish­ment and expan­sion of “Quanten4KMU”

The cluster is also planning to estab­lish an associ­a­tion that will enable indus­trial partners and SMEs to join the innova­tion network. Further­more, the “Quanten4KMU” platform is to be expanded to make it easier for smaller compa­nies to access state-of-the-art quantum technologies. With this second funding phase, QSens is laying the founda­tions for future market launches and strength­en­ing the region’s innov­a­tive power in the long term.
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The cluster QSens is being funded for a further three years by the BMBF. | © QSens

Further infor­ma­tion