© Fraunhofer IAO | Midjourney
Abstrakte geometrische Formen in verschiedenen Farben auf schwarzem Hintergrund. Das Gebilde ähnelt einem Mikrochip.

QC Next Workshop

11/6/2024, Change Hub Berlin

QC Next Workshop

As part of the workshop, the first results of the BMWK-funded project Innova­tion Concept Quantum Comput­ing Software Stack will be presented and discussed with the partic­i­pants. The aim is to develop a uniform quantum comput­ing software stack frame­work, taking into account the seamless integra­tion of the various layers, e.g. through inter­face solutions and standardization.

Quantum comput­ing is a young but rapidly growing field of research and devel­op­ment with high expected signif­i­cance for knowl­edge gener­a­tion and appli­ca­tion capabil­ity. The integra­tion of this complex technol­ogy into compa­nies requires longer lead times compared to conven­tional computer technolo­gies. A key challenge is to trans­fer the exist­ing knowl­edge about the various layers of the quantum comput­ing software stack into a consis­tent, commu­ni­ca­ble frame­work. This requires prior­i­tiz­ing inter­faces and devel­op­ing quasi-standards. The software stack encom­passes all compo­nents from hardware to appli­ca­tion and ranges from research to industry.

In the QC Next Workshop, partic­i­pants not only have the oppor­tu­nity to exchange ideas with experts from indus­try, but also to help shape the future quantum comput­ing software stack frame­work. In doing so, they make an impor­tant contri­bu­tion to standard­iza­tion. There is also the chance of (funded) partic­i­pa­tion in the lead project.

Abstrakte geometrische Formen in verschiedenen Farben auf schwarzem Hintergrund. Das Gebilde ähnelt einem Mikrochip.
© Fraunhofer IAO | Midjourney

Project consor­tium and methodology

The project consor­tium consist­ing of Fraunhofer IAO, Kipu Quantum and the Karlsruhe Insti­tute of Technol­ogy (KIT) is devel­op­ing a tableau of research and devel­op­ment questions based on state-of-the-art analy­ses and future visions, which addresses the prior­ity research needs for the realiza­tion of the innova­tion concept. This involves a multi-stage approach compris­ing the follow­ing steps:

  • Mapping and inven­tory: analy­sis of the exist­ing concep­tual and techni­cal infrastructure.
  • Vision devel­op­ment: Devel­op­ment of a vision for the future quantum computer software stack.
  • Commu­nity involve­ment: Broad involve­ment of the commu­nity in the emerg­ing uantum ecosys­tem to ensure techni­cal robust­ness and acceptance.

Expected results and networking

The exchange with repre­sen­ta­tives from science and indus­try should contribute to the devel­op­ment of a widely accepted quantum computer software stack. In addition, the workshop will serve to identify poten­tial partners for a lead project on the same topic, which is due to start in mid-2025.

Main topics

  • ​Quantum computing
  • Software stack
  • Quantum ecosys­tem
  • Exchange forum

The event is aimed at

The event is aimed at repre­sen­ta­tives from indus­try and science of the German quantum ecosystem.

QC Next Workshop

Novem­ber 6, 2024, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Change Hub Berlin, Harden­bergstraße 32, 10623 Berlin, Germany

English and German
