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Navigat­ing the quantum landscape

QuantumBW Atlas

Navigat­ing the quantum landscape

QuantumBW Atlas

“Who is doing what in Baden-Württemberg on the subject of quantum?” “What topics are driving research and devel­op­ment?” — These are the questions that the QuantumBW Atlas answers. The Atlas is a digital knowl­edge product of the QuantumBW innova­tion initia­tive. It facil­i­tates naviga­tion through the quantum landscape and entry into selected research and devel­op­ment topics in THE LÄND.

The atlas provides profes­sional orien­ta­tion on players in compa­nies and acade­mia, on quantum topics and quantum hardware, on quantum courses and train­ings within Baden-Württemberg.

The QuantumBW Atlas is currently being devel­oped and will soon be avail­able on this page.

Presen­ta­tion of knowledge

The content of the QuantumBW Atlas is presented in profile formats that are created and maintained by an edito­r­ial team in collab­o­ra­tion with partners and experts from the initia­tive. The profiles can be accessed by users via an intuitive geograph­i­cal and topic-based naviga­tion system in addition to the tradi­tional menu and open field search. The atlas data is hosted on a German server in compli­ance with GDPR.


Discover the QuantumBW Atlas


Partners of QuantumBW, and those who want to become partners, are invited to intro­duce themselves on the pages of the atlas. Sugges­tions for topics to be included in the atlas are also welcome. 

Partic­i­pate now


The QuantumBW innova­tion initia­tive brings together basic and applied research with indus­trial devel­op­ment and application. 

It is open to all players in the field of quantum technolo­gies in Baden-Württemberg and promotes exchange in order to jointly develop a power­ful quantum technol­ogy ecosystem.

You want to join the QuantumBW network with your company or institution? 

The QuantumBW Office is looking forward to your request!

Join now

Welcome desk of Baden-Wuerttemberg booth at Quantum Effects

Further infor­ma­tion