© QuantumBW
Visual QuantumBW-Colloquium

Novem­ber 7, 2024, Stuttgart, hybrid

QuantumBW Colloquium

The innova­tion initia­tive QuantumBW launches the new “QuantumBW Collo­quium” on the campus of the Fraunhofer Insti­tute Center Stuttgart. The aim of the collo­quium is to promote scien­tific exchange on hardware and algorith­mic topics in the field of quantum comput­ing, to present the latest devel­op­ments in this research area and to promote the idea of co-development of quantum solutions.

QuantumBW Colloquium

Prof. Markus Müller (RWTH Aachen | FZ Jülich)

Quantum Error Correction

Novem­ber 7, 2024, 10–11 a.m.

Place (hybrid):
Insti­tute of Human Factors and Technol­ogy Manage­ment IAT of the Univer­sity of Stuttgart, Allman­dring 35, 70569 Stuttgart, Room 0.201 | Livestream


Further dates

In addition to the question of how the next gener­a­tion of comput­ers will be realized, it is also excit­ing to see what next-generation comput­ers can be used for. They have promis­ing appli­ca­tions in cryptog­ra­phy, machine learn­ing and optimiza­tion. Due to the currently still noisy, small systems of the NISQ era (Noisy Inter­me­di­ate Scale), the class of varia­tional quantum algorithms is partic­u­larly inter­est­ing. These and other topics such as quantum error correc­tion, barren plateaus and quantum advan­tage will be discussed in the collo­quium on the follow­ing dates: 

  • Novem­ber 21
  • Decem­ber 5
  • Decem­ber 19

More infor­ma­tion