© Fraunhofer IAF
Das Kompetenzzentrum Quantencomputing Baden-Würrtemberg bietet Schulungen an.

Support­ing PhD projects between basic research and application

IQST Gradu­ate School @QuantumBW

Support­ing PhD projects between basic research and application

IQST Gradu­ate School @QuantumBW

As part of the QuantumBW innova­tion initia­tive, the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technol­ogy (IQST) is offer­ing a Gradu­ate School for doctoral students in the field of quantum technolo­gies from October 2024. 

The Gradu­ate School is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts.

Please use the appli­ca­tion template (download) to submit by Septem­ber 1, 2024, for start­ing in October 2024!


What makes our Gradu­ate School differ­ent and unique

The Gradu­ate School in QuantumBW closes the gap between basic research and technol­ogy devel­op­ment. It promotes doctoral projects with techno­log­i­cal poten­tial, but which are still at a stage of research. 

The Gradu­ate School extends across Baden-Württemberg to build a network of excel­lent young talent in quantum science and technol­ogy — prepar­ing them for a career in science, in the corpo­rate world and to make them bridge builders in between.

If you have any questions regard­ing the Gradu­ate School, please contact IQST:

Contact IQST

Demonstrator eines Laserschwellen-Magnetometers. Die Perspektive zeigt die Kavität, in der die Verstärkung und magnetfeldabhängige stimulierte Emission gemessen wurden.
PhD project structure

PhD projects within the Gradu­ate School are struc­tured as follows:

1 PhD project = 1 acade­mic partner + 1 indus­try partner + 1 PhD student

The follow­ing require­ments must be observed:

  • The acade­mic partner is the super­vi­sor, a profes­sor at a univer­sity in Baden-Württemberg (BW), and IQST fellow.
  • The indus­try partner, working at a company in BW, takes the role of a mentor for the PhD candi­date, maintains a regular dialogue, intro­duces the company aspects to the project and opens up company-side support.
  • The PhD student is employed by a univer­sity or research insti­tute in BW.
  • A 3 months intern­ship at company is oblig­a­tory – more is welcome.

We are looking for:

  • A research topic of acade­mic inter­est with high techno­log­i­cal potential
  • project jointly designed and imple­mented by all partners
  • commit­ment on both sides over entire project and on publi­ca­tion of scien­tific results regard­ing to terms of the super­vis­ing university

Funding guide­lines


For up to four years we grant:

  • One PhD position (accord­ing to the DFG rates and usual percent­age of respec­tive discipline)
  • 20 T€ for direct costs per year

We expect the assign­ment of the PhD position within six months after approval.

Requested commit­ment by the acade­mic partner

  • Super­vi­sor is IQST fellow or appli­cant pending
  • Active partic­i­pa­tion of super­vi­sor and student in IQST events

Requested support from the indus­try partner (depend­ing on the respec­tive project)

  • Contin­u­ous mentor­ing and supervision
  • Access to infrastructure/training programs
  • Provi­sion of equip­ment and components
  • Project-specific partic­i­pa­tion opportunities

Review crite­ria

What matters in any case:

  • Innov­a­tive and pioneer­ing ideas and topics in quantum science and/or technology
  • Scien­tific excellence
  • Signif­i­cant benefit for application
  • Strate­gic relevance for the quantum ecosys­tem BW
  • Inten­sity and added value of collab­o­ra­tion between acade­mia and industry
  • Extend of commitment/support by indus­try partner

What’s favourable, but not mandatory:

  • New collab­o­ra­tion between acade­mia and industry
  • Individual-creative element: an uncon­ven­tional idea, something that doesn’t cost much time or money and yet gives the project something special, makes the project partners smile again and again and perhaps makes it known far beyond the participants…

Further infor­ma­tion