becomes reality

THE LÄND of quantum technology

Europe’s leading innova­tion region combines unique scien­tific and economic exper­tise. Compa­nies and insti­tu­tions in Baden-Württemberg are driving the quantum revolu­tion and trans­fer­ring quantum technol­ogy research into applications.

The innova­tion initia­tive QuantumBW pools quantum technol­ogy exper­tise in Baden-Württemberg in order to strengthen networks and make them visible inter­na­tion­ally. Together, we are helping to improve areas such as health, mobil­ity and climate protec­tion and disrup­tively change markets.


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Quantum technolo­gies made in Baden-Württemberg


Scien­tific insti­tu­tions and compa­nies in Baden-Württemberg create innova­tions in quantum technol­ogy through application-oriented, cooper­a­tive research and devel­op­ment projects.

Laserschwellen-Magnetometrie am Fraunhofer IAF: Zwei Forschende arbeiten am Laboraufbau.
© Fraunhofer IAF

Educa­tion and trainings

Baden-Württemberg trains special­ists and young talent for science and business and creates attrac­tive condi­tions for top talent.

Kathrin König nutzt das Programm Qiskit für ihre Arbeit an Quantencomputern von IBM.
© Fraunhofer IAF


Baden-Württemberg is pooling scien­tific and economic exper­tise and expand­ing its strong and success­ful network of research insti­tu­tions and companies. 

More info
Laserschwellen-Magnetometrie am Fraunhofer IAF: Zwei Forschende arbeiten am Laboraufbau.
© Fraunhofer IAF